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Is your company interested in NGO procurements?
Let us know and we will support you!


13.3.2024 Business Finland: Procuring a sustainable future on ICT – joint event with FAO of the UN

8.–9.4.2024 UN International Procurement Seminar, New York

29.4.–10.5.2024 UN OCHA: Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Weeks

23.–24.10.2024 AidEx Humanitarian Aid Expo 2024, Geneva

Past events

5.-7.2.2024 Company Mission to Geneva – Meet the UN organizations

14.11. Webinar: Opportunities of Indonesia’s new capital project Nusantara

1.11.2023 Doing Business with the UN, Red Cross, and international NGOs

Large international NGOs, such as the United Nations, Red Cross, IMF, World Bank, etc. form an estimated annual market of $20 Billion. How can SMEs tap into this substantial market?
The Promoting Exports to International NGOs (INGOs) project organizes on-site events and webinars on the opportunities, challenges, tips and successful examples of doing business with international NGOs.

In this webinar you will learn about how the United Nation and International Federation of Red Cross cooperate with SMEs as well as the opportunities that local NGOs offer. In 2024, the project will arrange trips for the most potential SMEs where they have a chance to meet representatives of different non-government organisations and inter-governmental bodies. 

Sami Uusitalo, Turku Business Region
Welcome words

Marjukka Holopainen-Rainio, Business Finland
How to build your pathway to the UN

Alessandro Fedele, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Partnership with the International Federation of Red Cross

Ritva Lahti, Head of the Finnish Red Cross Logistics Centre 
Red Cross operations and procurement in Finland

Mika Välitalo, FINGO
Opportunities with NGOs


28.9.2023 Export to International NGO’s info session – Finland

More information: Business Tampere
You will hear from the experiences of SMEs that have successfully won bids as they tell you the dos-and-don’ts of entering these markets. Furthermore, the project will arrange several trips for the most potential SMEs where they have a chance to meet representatives of different non-government organisations and inter-governmental bodies.

Join for the for online awareness raising event to find out more:
14:00 – 14:10, Sami Puttonen, Business Tampere
Welcome to Export to International NGOs -project event
14:10 – 14:40, Kirsi Peltola, Finn Church Aid
What is it like to work with NGOs? What are expectations and what need to considered?
14:40 – 15:00, Jussi Nummelin, Finland Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland
Latest updates and future perspectives working with NGOs from Geneva Permanent Mission of Finland
15-15:30 Axel Sointu, FinnPartnership
How to partner with Finnpartnership to accelerate projects in developing markets

3.10.2023 Promoting exports to International NGOs – Estonia

Registration and more information: Tehnopol

Join us for an enlightening event on October 3, 2023, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM (EEST) as we embark on a journey to empower small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the Central Baltic region to tap into the vast 20-billion-dollar annual market of procurements from renowned international NGOs and intergovernmental organisations such as the United Nations, Red Cross, IMF, the World Bank etc. During this event you will learn about the potential and possibilities for your company to enter the procurement processes of CERN and ESA.

9:45 Gathering, coffee
10:00 Introduction of the INGO project – Martin Goroško, Business Service Manager, Tehnopol
10:05 Procurement opportunities in CERN – Robert Aare, Industry Liaison Officer of Estonia in CERN, Estonian Business and Innovation Agency
10:25 Experience in CERN procurement process – Lauri Stern, Sales Manager, Harju Elekter Estonia, Sales Manager
10:45 European Space Agency’s procurement system – Tõnis Eerme, ESA Industrial Coordinator in Estonia
11:05 Experience in CERN procurement process – Eva Laanemäe, Regional Manager at Radius Machining OÜ
11:25 Geneva, the home of international institutions – Karin Voodla, Policy Officer, Permanent Mission of the Republic of Estonia to the United Nations Office and other international organizations in Geneva
11:35-12:00 Networking on site

Remember to also keep an eye on the partners’ websites:
Business Turku events, Tehnopol events, RISE events, Business Tampere events, Latvian IT Cluster news.

Project information

Procurements from large international NGOs, like the United Nations, Red Cross, IMF, World Bank etc., form a 20-billion-dollar annual market. The Central Baltic countries, however, are much underrepresented in the volume of annual sales. Promoting exports to International NGOs (INGOs) project will inform and mentor companies in how to effectively enter these processes. Furthermore, the project will take SMEs to international INGO events as well as seeks to form cross-border consortia to provide more complex solutions. As a result, SMEs will be able to enter, and win, procurement bids from these organizations. 

The Promoting exports to International NGOs project will arrange events to inform SMEs about the potential and possibilities of entering the procurement processes on international NGOs. Also, the project will mentor companies on how to bid successfully, matchmake companies with NGO representatives, and have SMEs that have experience in this field share their expertise. 

Furthermore, the project will take a select group of SMEs to visit international NGO events to learn more about the open calls, meet NGO representatives and present their innovative solutions. The project will also work with a range of NGO innovation and incubation programs to help and mentor SMEs from Central Baltic area to successfully enter these programs. 

For international NGOs and other stakeholders, the project offers a neutral partner with a dedicated budget to help them further inform SMEs about their processes, and to introduce new innovative solutions to the NGOs. The project consortium represents four different countries. 

The 3,5-year project is funded by Central Baltic Interreg Programme. The partner consortium consists of Turku Science Park and Business Tampere from Finland, Tallinn Tehnopol from Estonia, Latvian IT Cluster, and RISE from Sweden. 

If you want to know more, please do not hesitate to contact us!

Primary contact:

Sami Uusitalo
Senior Specialist, International Networks and Projects
Business Turku (Turku Science Park Ltd)
+358 50 434 1811