Sustainable Silage

The „Sustainable Silage“ project will focus on reducing silage effluents and nutrient leakages in a full cycle of silage production.

Thanks to international cooperation between 3 countries, the project will be able to test and introduce to farmers new and innovative agri-environmental methods and farming practices. The project plans: 1) to conduct silage management analysis on a farm level covering the environmental, economic and quality aspects, 2) to evaluate and recommend most relevant silage production technologies and 3) to analyse possible solutions for re-using silage plastic and effluents.

Expected results

The pilot actions will be implemented in ca 25 pilot farms. As a result it is expected that ca 20 of them can demonstrate real results in reducing nutrient runoffs from full silage production cycle. The main stakeholders from public sector achieve common understanding in environmental issues related to the silage production.

By 2025 ca 200 farmers gain new information and knowledge for mitigating the environmental risks from leakage of silage effluents to water bodies.

Duration 01.01.2023 - 31.12.2025

Total budget

Programme priority

Improved environment and resource use

Programme objective

PO4 - Improved coastal and marine environment

Lead partner

The Estonian Chamber of Agriculture and Commerce

Project Events

Project Stories